Faith has two worship services. Faith in the morning meets in the fellowship hall at 8:30AM and our traditional service meets in the Sanctuary at 10:30AM. we hope you will come worship with us




The services are also Live-streamed simultaneously on Faith’s Facebook page.


Confirmation class in September this Sunday. Please sign up with Michael.


The Item of the Month for September is canned Chicken. Your donations will be included in the Elderly Mission Project (EMP) food boxes.


There is a need for Sunday School volunteers. Volunteers are needed to teach Sundays school for our growing number of children, youth, and young adults. Please contact Dr. Beth Cape ( if you can volunteer on a rotating schedule.


Women’s Bible study will meet on Tuesday at 3:30pm beginning on September 17th. The study will be Tending the Garden by Eugena Gamble.


Men’s Bible study meets every Thursday at 11am in the Parlor.


While it is only September 2024, planning needs to begin about next year’s cruise. Please contact Robert Perry (