In the Spring of 1958, a small group of Presbyterians from First Presbyterian Church had a shared vision of starting a new Presbyterian Church in Southeast Huntsville. Under the leadership of Mr. Bruce Whitfield, this group began meeting in the homes of prospective members. Shortly thereafter, the founding members reached an agreement with the owner of Cambron’s Night Club on Whitesburg Dr. for this fledgling congregation to use the “bar” for its Sunday services. The only caveat was that church members would have to clean the club early on Sunday morning and make the space available for worship. With a faithful crew of dedicated members, worship and Sunday School classes were held each Sunday morning, and it was not long before an agreement was made for the church to purchase the building and the 10-acre tract of land. On October 28, 1958, these 28 founding members were officially chartered as a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
On November 15, 1989, a devastating F4 tornado made its way east along Airport Road, destroying a Huntsville Utilities substation that was located adjacent to the northwest corner of our property where the public Tornado Memorial now stands. Our rebuilt Fellowship Hall stands now where the previous one was destroyed.
Over the past six decades, Faith Presbyterian Church has grown and evolved, but has always served as a beacon of the Light of Christ to our community. From its beginning, Faith’s members have focused on its mission and outreach to our community and beyond and continues to do so today. Through the faithful leadership of dedicated pastors, elders, deacons, and members, Faith Presbyterian Church has put its faith into action and has made a tremendous impact upon our community. We look forward to sharing the good news of Christ’s gospel in Southeast Huntsville for many years to come.