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Dr. Michael Bowe, Pastor
Michael is Faith Presbyterian's Fifth Pastor. He loves Jesus and depends on God's love and grace daily. It is that love and grace that permeates his ministry and messages. [Read more...]
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Dr. Beth Cape, Education and Mission Program Development Director
Dr. Cape began on September 1st, 2022 working with the Mission and Discipleship Committees to plan and develop Faith’s programs for discipleship and mission involvement for all of us. [Read more...]
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Stephen Sivley, Music Director
We Welcome Stephen Sivley as our new Music Director. Stephen Sivley started accompanying choirs at the age of 14 when he became organist and children's choir accompanist at his church. He knew then that he wanted to be a collaborative musician and went on to study church music at the University of Alabama in Huntsville where he studied piano with Dr. Melody Ng. [Read more...]
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Kelly Forrester, Office Administrator
Please welcome Kelly Forrester as Faith's Office Administrator. Kelly started working in the office full time in November 2022 and has been a lovely addition to the Faith Presbyterian Staff.  [Read more...]
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Sally Priester, Volunteer Handbell Director
Sally is a member of the Faith community who brings her many musical talents and experience to our Sunday morning worship services, [Read more...]
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Betty Spears, Volunteer Receptionist
Betty is a long-time member of the Faith community who brings hugs, laughter, and a genuine smile to everyone she meets... [Read more...]